Fun with chalk, fun with watercolors. Nobody really attempted to paint the flowers and Julia made glorious mess but we really let loose with the watercolors. Angelica has been at the pool learning to swim and Zita has started an Irish dancing summer class and between toads, the lizard, the giant spiders, and the chipmunk there has been no shortage of animals.
I finished reading " The End of the Affair" by Graham Green and really recommend it highly. I used to find Graham Green to dark, but maybe I have just changed because I loved this book. . . . .
Ben had a little trip to the Big Apple and we missed him very much but loved hearing about all the cool people at MoCCA and all the cool people in New York. I had no idea getting there from here was SO easy.
crying baby. . . bye.
hooray! angelica (?) looks like a fairy in the top photo. End of the Affair is one of my favourites. it is to greene's novels what Brideshead is to Waugh: very atypical. i would like to see zita dance, especially irish dance. i just need to figure out a way to get out there, i guess.
and guess what? i got pointe shoes!!!
i love that book. it is second to brideshead in my favorites.
will call tonight. loves.
If you haven't read Bernanos it is a good thing to read after reading all of Greene. I love how cinematic Greene's novels are, excellent films made of the novels as well, if you haven't seen The Third Man.... I think ignoring the capacity for darkness in humanity is the real blightness. There is a Dark Night for a good reason, after all...
Laura in poor grammar
oh, and thought you'd like this blog (it is about food!):
I really love "The End of the Affair"! I need to reread it. I've been trying to read authors that I didn't get to read much of in college. So far, I've been reading a lot of Dickens and Flannery O'Connor.
Something artistic that my kids love to do outside is paint with water (you need sidewalk or patio space, though). I just give them some different sized paint brushes, buckets of water, and let them go. They love it. On a very hot day the pictures fade kind of quickly, but they don't seem to mind.
--Elizabeth Butina
Hey Anna,
The we're going to Ryan's on Thursday and will be there through the weekend. I don't know if you guys are around, but it would be fun to get our gangs together. My email is flightyg at hotmail
Anna, so what's the scoop with the new abode?
Hi Anna,
You have no idea who I am, but I read your blog from time to time (found it through Regina Doman's). Anyhow, I am curious about your diapering regiment since it appears wool works for you. I really want wool to work for us, but it never seems to. Could you shoot me an email if you ever get the time?
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