As you can see rainy weather means drying diapers above the stove. (see photo one) However despite an unusually rainy April and May we have more flowers than I saw in Gravagna the last time we were here. It is truly amazing. Here is the feild by the Via Francegina pilgramage trail about a mile walk or so from the house. Angelica and I hiked here today and picked some flowers for our Mary alter.
I have been going down to Pontremoli less this trip as I don't feel up to taking all three kids on my own yet and so Ben graciously watches the two girls for me while I go down with Julia. Teresa has been so wonderful though. I am amazed at the variety of meals I can cook from the botega which is even smaller than the Health food store back in VA. Ben is good to remind me that eighty to ninety percent of the grocery store is junk I never buy anyway. (the whole more vs. better issue once again)
Speaking of which I just love the scale of houses here. Once you get used to the small rooms and little windows they really are so cosy and you really feel like you are in a different place inside rather than out.
Ann and Peter, the English couple, took off today but Ann brought over more baked goods. She has taught culiary classes and has made us the most wonderful magical little tea cakes complete with roses on top. The girls were in awe.
Meanwhile I am trying to walk off the baby fat AND the cupcakes, despite the rain.