Tuesday, June 5, 2012

 I have been trying to get ahold of a computer and a fast internet key for a while now so I am finally going to commence my series of posts about where we are and what we do here in Gravagna and also post a series of photos that hopefully capture the place.  I can't promise to be super regular as my computer time is very limited right now so I am mostly using it for homeschooling.  

Here is a photo of Pontremoli the city down the mountain from Gravagna.  Here is where I do my shopping on market day.  I catch a bus to go here early in the morning or get a ride down with a neighbor.  It is a small city still very medieval, built on a long line and it has the remnants of a wall and castle.  It sits in the middle of two rivers, the Magra and the Verde (the thin river and green rivers, respectively.)  From here we will commence out journey to Gravagna which is one of the many tiny satellites of Pontremoli, but among the more remote ones.  It is about seven miles or so up a winding road that runs along the river valley and then turns and climbs up the moutain.

 So gotta make this quick.  . .  next time, Gravagna.

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