Saturday, November 15, 2008

No fruit, no flowers, no leaves, no birds, NOVEMBER.

Sotto un post in Italiano per i Gravangot!!

The leaves are off the trees now and it really officially looks like november. I just checked out Tasha Tudor's "Around the Year" out of the library and it is always a favorite book. Tasha Tudor, incidentally had just about the most awesome house (pictured above) ever that her son built for her in New England and she was known for not only her beautiful illustrations but also her wonderful gardens---(the woman made compost tea out of rotting stuffs and water). Anyway the page for Novemeber shows a family cheerfully making Christmas preasants because they presumably aren't going to be doing that in Advent. Every year I make it a goal to get things out of the way before the start of December so that Advent can be an internal and quiet month, with varying degrees of sucsess.

I am glad that all the election craziness is over and that quiet interior months of winter are ahead. Angelcia daily prays for snow and Julia has begun to walk just the past few days. Her new favorite thing is this rabbit skin bag that Ben found in his things. I think that she thinks it is a live animal because she gets very exited and carries it around cooing in the same manner she does when she sees the cat. It makes me laugh so hard.

Ciao a tutti in Gravagna. Le bimbe stanno benne. La Giulia ha comminciata caminare questa settimana e adesso e molta contenta stare come la sua sorelle. Oggi ha caminata con una cestina in mano. La sua favorita gioco adesso e una picola pelle di un coniglio che ho trovato nella roba di Ben. Forse lei pensa e un animale avivo perche sempre fa una festa cuando lo vede. La Angelica me ha chiesta oggi "Come il tempo oggi in Gravagna, e freddo o caldo?" Forse adesso un po piu freddo da qua pero qui ha stata tana piogga, pero ci sonno tanti funghi---ma i porcini, no. :( Ciao a tutti!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Via Francegina

Finally I am able to post loads of pictures with fast fast internet. Here are some pics of Ben who went hiking with my one of my favorite of my Dads relatives, Carlo, on a peice of the pilgrim trail that runs from Cantebury, England down to Rome and passes right thru Gravagna. These pictures were taken in the late spring. Ben loved the hike and all the forgotten little shrines, bridges, etc.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ecco la Giulia.

Well happy election day to all! I wish i could vote for Julia.